
Fractionation works based on the different boiling points of the different hydrocarbons in the NGL stream. A particular fractionator is named for the hydrocarbon that is boiled off. The entire fractionation process is a series of steps, starting with the removal of the lighter NGLs from the stream, usually in the following order. Fractionation is an advanced conversational seduction technique which should only be attempted by the ethical! Normally, part of Fractionation Seduction is the use of body language and the use of hypnosis to subtly form an emotional connection with a woman. Fractionation Seduction makes it easy for you to create this emotional bond, allowing. Isotopic fractionation, enrichment of one isotope relative to another in a chemical or physical process. Two isotopes of an element are different in weight but not in gross chemical properties, which are determined by the number of electrons. However, subtle chemical effects do result from the.

Fractionation is a natural process where genomic regions that contain genes, regulatory elements, or other genomic features are lost over evolutionary time. This process is especially prevalent in plant genomes with a history of polyploidy events. Fractionation lets you up desire, curiosity, and compliance. It’s also a fun way to handle objections. And odds are, you use it already. I wrote a very long essay on the subject of fractionation last summer. In that essay, I used a real-life event (a “lay report”) and used it to cover fractionation – one of the MOST key concepts in seduction. After re-reading that post, even though I.

Check yourself if you’re in one of the following situations:

  1. You’re a single man looking for new women… but you’re struggling to make them feel attracted to you, and tend to keep getting friend-zoned, or
  2. You already have a girlfriend or wife… but your relationship is becoming Hell on Earth, or you feel you’re about to break up, or both

If you’re in either of the situations above, then here’s this guide’s message:

Fractionation can and will solve your problems.

Here’s how…

  • If you’re single, Fractionation will give you the power to make ANY woman feel more and more attracted to you… either in a few minutes or over several dates, it’s up to you
  • If you’re in a relationship, Fractionation will help you re-establish dominance. You’ll turn her into a loving, supportive partner and prevent the breakup indefinitely

Sounds good, right?

But what is Fractionation? (Sometimes, it’s mistaken for “Fractional Seduction”.) What does Fractionation do? And how exactly will it help you?

The answers to those questions and more, coming right up. Continue reading!

What's Inside This Guide

  • 1 What Is Fractionation?
  • 3 Fractionation Hypnosis – How To Use Fractionation On A Woman
  • 4 Fractionation Seduction
    • 4.1 Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass On Mind Control

What Is Fractionation?

Fractionation is a technique developed and popularized by Derek Rake. It’s central to his patented Shogun Method system of dating and seduction.

Fractionation – and Shogun Method as a whole – is designed for men who want total control over their lives, their women and their relationships.

Definition of Fractionation

Fractionation is the process of making a woman go in and out of hypnotic trance repeatedly. When this happens multiple times, when a woman goes into trance again, the experience becomes more intense.

How does Fractionation work in making a woman attracted to a man? It’s simply a way to “intensify” a woman’s feelings to a man – by making her fall in and out of love repeatedly, over time.

How Fractionation (Fractional Seduction) Differs From Conventional Dating Advice

Fractionation is different from conventional dating tips in the following ways:

  • The goal is total control and not a co-equal partnership with a woman
  • The goal is lifelong control, without the “easy way out” of breaking up or divorce
  • It doesn’t require a drawn-out, expensive courtship process. (It’s optional and up to the practitioner)
  • They don’t adapt or adjust to the female mind and psyche – it exploits and dominates it
  • The goal isn’t just seduction – it’s total, complete, lifelong emotional Enslavement
  • Fractionation is a valid psychology concept, and has been proven scientifically

Fractionation Process

Shogun Method practitioners learn early on that “seduction”… the idea of merely getting women into bed as quickly and easily as possible… is NOT enough.

Any guy can seduce a woman. But eventually, that woman will lose interest, the attraction will fade, and she will leave.

That, as the vast majority of “Pickup Artists” learn the hard way, does not lead to happiness. Instead, it only leads to pain, frustration, sex addiction, loneliness, and depression.

The only way to lead a truly strong, happy, lifelong relationship with the woman of your dreams is this:

You must Enslave her, totally and completely, for the rest of her life.

And Fractionation is one of the easiest, most reliable, most versatile ways to Enslave a woman.

Now, before anyone raises a pitchfork…

What “Enslavement” Really Means

Shogun Method does NOT condone physical enslavement. It’s illegal, it’s stupid, and it doesn’t achieve your goals of leading a strong, happy, lifelong relationship.

Instead, “Enslavement” is a term denoting a total, complete EMOTIONAL addiction and dependence.

And every Shogun Method practitioner’s goal is simple:

To Enslave the woman of their dreams for the rest of their happy, rewarding lives together.

Is it STILL controversial? Sure. It’s the opposite of the “equal partnership” type of relationships society promotes.

Controversial or no, the cold, hard fact remains: If you don’t Enslave your woman to you, you’ll lose her eventually.

Most men either never realize this before they die or learn it much too late.

With Fractionation, you won’t make either mistake.

How To Use Fractionation On Women

Here’s the thing: Fractionation is actually everywhere. Most people just aren’t aware of it.

Fractionation is in politics, advertising, entertainment, and even religion.

Has any of the following ever happened to you?

  • You got mesmerized by a polarizing political figure
  • You saw a captivating series of ads about a product and immediately went out to buy it
  • You watched a new TV series and got absolutely hooked
  • You got addicted to alcohol, tobacco, porn, video gaming, or drugs
  • You tried a new religion or belief system, loved how it made you feel and became a devout follower

What happened to you in those situations?

You “Fractionated,” that’s what.

You stopped thinking logically, and you got sucked into an emotional thrill ride. That politician, product, TV show, substance, or religion made you ADDICTED to the rush. You couldn’t get enough of it.

Now imagine if you could IMPOSE that same kind of addiction on women.

Imagine if you could make women stop thinking logically… and suck them into an emotional thrill ride that got them totally ADDICTED to you.

That’s what happens when you master Fractionation. And that’s exactly what this guide will teach you to do.

(By the way, if you’re looking for guidance on how to use Fractionation over text on a woman, then see our guide on Fractionation texting.)

Fractionation formula

Hypnotic Fractionation – The Scientific Proof

If you search “Fractionation” on Google, you’ll find lots of pages on another type of Fractionation – one which is related to chemistry – in particular, “fractionation of oils and fats”. There’s also other types of fractionation on other branches of science – namely, neurology and radiotherapy. These has got nothing to do with the hypnotic Fractionation that we are talking about here.

If you’d like to search for scientific proof of Fractionation on human psychology, then look at our compiled list of scientific research on Fractionation.

With that out of the way, let’s move on with the Fractionation that really interests us, Fractionation Hypnosis.

Fractionation Hypnosis – How To Use Fractionation On A Woman

Fractionation involves putting a woman in a “trance,” then snapping her out of it, then plunging her deeper into the trance… repeatedly, over time, until she gets totally, hopelessly addicted to you1.

A “trance” is that semi-hypnotic state where she “loses herself” in the moment and pays full attention to you.

The Fractionation process will take some time, but exactly how much time is up to you. You can make her feel totally addicted to you in just a few moments, or you can spread things out over several dates. You decide.

Fractionation Hypnosis (How To Put Her In A Trance)

Fractionation is most easily carried out with a process called “rollercoastering.”

Fractionation in hypnosis works by putting a woman through alternating emotional highs and lows2:

  • Making her happy, then making her sad
  • Putting emotional pressure on her, then releasing that pressure
  • Inflicting emotional pain, then giving her emotional pleasure
  • Etc.

It’s the same rollercoaster you ride when getting addicted to a political figure, drug, or show. You feel a “high” when exposed to these stimulants, then a “low” when you withdraw from them. With repeated exposure, addiction forms.

In Fractionation, you make women feel a “high” when they’re with you, and a “low” when they’re not with you. Done enough, she’ll form an addiction to YOU.

Here are a few examples of rollercoastering in action, and how the technique appeals directly to the subject’s unconscious mind3:

When you’re a single guy:

  • You tease a woman you just met, then pull her close when she acts hurt or offended
  • You reward her with affection whenever she does something you like
  • You remove that affection whenever she does something you don’t like
  • You take her on a physical thrill (e.g. skydiving, bungee jumping, etc.), and then getting her back to safety
  • Etc.

When you’re in a shaky relationship:

  • You scare your woman by disappearing without a trace for a few days, then reappearing safe and sound
  • You take her on a romantic date, then spend the next few days making zero contact with her
  • You tell her: “Maybe we should break up,” only to take it back when she apologizes and asks you to name your terms

Conversational Fractionation

Your primary tools for executing Fractionation are your words.

More experienced practitioners use storytelling to put women on emotional rollercoasters. Newbies to Fractionation can use a series of insightful questions.

Examples of Fractionation storytelling:

  1. You tell a story about a time when your life was in terrible danger, and how you got out of the situation alive
  2. You tell a story about a childhood friend, relative, or pet you truly loved, then lost suddenly
  3. You tell a story about an adventure you once had. If it makes her feel afraid, excited, shocked, relieved, etc. in rapid succession, it’s good

Examples of Fractionation questioning:

  1. You ask her about what she’s doing right now
  2. You then ask her what she WOULD be doing if money and time weren’t an issue
  3. You ask her what she likes about her dreams, what scares her, what excites her, etc.

In both examples, you’ll want her to link the emotional “highs” (pleasure, excitement, etc.) with you. You can do this by touching her, moving closer to her, or motioning to yourself whenever she’s in those states.

Also, you’ll want to associate the emotional “lows” (fear, pain, sadness, despair, etc.) with being AWAY from you. You do this by moving away from her, motioning away from you, or breaking eye contact.

Fractionation Conversation Examples

A word of caution if you’re single and want to make more women fall in love with you…

Storytelling and questioning are fast ways to build Rapport with a woman but don’t stick with them too long. It’s possible to build too much Rapport with a woman, who ends up liking you too much as a friend. Oops.

To avoid the Friend Zone, rollercoaster her between platonic and romantic feelings.

Fractionation formula

Here’s an example:

YOU: (Platonic) “So what would you be doing if money or time weren’t an issue?”

HER: “Oh, that’s easy – I’d travel the world. Probably visit the Maldives first.”

YOU: (Romantic) “Nice. I’ve never been to the Maldives, but I’ve taken my ex-girlfriend to Bali several times. Favorite place in the world.”

HER: “Really? What’s it like?”

YOU: (Platonic) “It’s amazing. The parties are to die for.”

HER: “That’s awesome… I should look it up!”

YOU: (Romantic) “Yeah, My buddies and I try going there every year – it’s sexy, it’s spiritual, and it’s refreshing. You should come with me this year.”

You’ll know you’ve done it right when:

  • She steers the conversation into romantic topics herself
  • She flirts with you
  • She hints about “being bored” or “wanting to go somewhere quieter” or “not wanting to go home yet.”

Location-Based Fractionation Hypnosis

You can also use Fractionation with your actions in addition to your words. To be specific, you can get her addicted to following you and experiencing new things with you.

An example of Location-based Fractionation in action:

  1. Tell her to move closer to you (e.g. because you have a secret to tell her)
  2. Then tell her to move to a different table with you (e.g. where the “view is better”)
  3. Then tell her to go outside with you for a walk
  4. Then tell her to go with you to a different bar
  5. Then tell her to go with you to your place

As long as she feels a high when she moves with you (and a low when you stay put too long), she’ll grow addicted to being with you.

One-Sentence Fractionation Hypnosis

This version of Fractionation rolls an emotional high and low into one sentence. The formulae are simple:

  1. Either you express your approval of one of her bad or embarrassing qualities;
  2. Or you express your disapproval of one of her good qualities.

A few examples of Type #1:

  • “I love how you’re so clumsy.”
  • “I think it’s cute how you stutter.”
  • “I’m captivated by your bad manners.”

Examples of Type #2:

  • “I hate how you’re so thoughtful.”
  • “I’m appalled by your impeccable manners.”
  • “I’m shocked by your honesty.”

This technique is best used when you’re a single man meeting new women – it works even went sent over text.

But use One-Sentence Fractionation with caution when you’re in a shaky relationship. It’s okay if you’ve already regained some dominance and power over her, but before that, she might see it as sarcasm. And if she takes it badly, she can use it as an excuse to leave you for good.

How To Save A Relationship (With Fractionation)

Now let’s talk solely about saving the relationship you’re already in (if that’s your situation).

If you’re on the verge of a breakup or divorce… or if you’re simply in a long-term relationship that’s absolutely hellish at present… then this section on “how to use Fractionation on your ex-girlfriend (or wife)” is for you.

Can Fractionation save your relationship? The answer is “yes.” But you’ll need to take a slightly different approach to do so.

Instead of emphasizing the emotional “high” of Fractionation, you’ll emphasize the LOW.

If your girlfriend or wife is making your life hell or is threatening to leave… and you’d do whatever it takes to keep her… then make no mistake.

You MUST be willing to inflict emotional pain and distress on her. It’s the key.

Most men make the mistake of working EXTRA HARD to make their woman love them more. They buy her more gifts, take her on more dates, do whatever it takes to please her, etc.

What these poor men don’t realize is that all their extra effort actually makes them look WEAKER to their woman. And by nature, women CANNOT respect men who are weaker than her.

If she can’t respect you, she can’t love you. So don’t make that mistake.

Read this carefully: Your woman doesn’t need you to make her happy.

She needs a strong man – a dominant leader who can make her feel safe and secure. She needs a man who can make all the hard decisions so she won’t have to. She needs a man who can make her feel beautiful, excited, and aroused. (Read more about this here: how to control a woman emotionally)

The key, then, is to use Fractionation to make her THINK and FEEL that you’re that strong, dominant man she so desperately needs… even if you’re not quite there yet.

Here’s a classic example of “shocking” a woman out of her bad behavior within a relationship:

  1. Emotional high: Take her out on a fancy date or do something she always wanted.
  2. Emotional low: Suddenly disappear for a few days, making zero contact with her.
  3. Emotional high: Show up again, safe and sound.
  4. Emotional low: When she asks what happened, you tell her: “I just needed some alone time.” You don’t elaborate – you avoid her questions and accusations.
  5. Emotional high: When she finally settles down and begs you to talk to her, you comply.
  6. Emotional low: You tell her: “I think we should start seeing other people.” No matter how badly she objects, you stand your ground.
  7. Emotional high: When she calms down and begs you to reconsider, name your terms. Once she agrees to them, reward her with loving affection.

The more shocked and distressed she feels, the sooner she’ll “break” and start living by your terms. This is the reason why you absolutely MUST be ready to inflict emotional distress on her.

Is it risky? Definitely. But if you end up losing her, then it means she was already too far gone, and you merely hastened the inevitable.

But even then, there’s a good chance she’ll miss you within a few weeks of zero contact. She may apologize and ask to get back together. At that, you should be ready to lay out your new terms for the new relationship.

Fractionation Seduction


You’ve just been introduced to Fractionation and how it makes women feel addicted to you. Fractionation has the power to re-wire a woman’s way of seeing the world – use it responsibly.

Now, as powerful as Fractionation Seduction is, it’s only one technique under the discipline of Mind Control. Mind Control is the art of manipulating women’s minds, influencing their decisions.

Again, Fractionation is everywhere these days – politics, entertainment, religion, advertising, and more. But it has never been adapted to the dating and romance scene until recently.

Derek Rake did that by establishing Shogun Method. To date, the Shogun Method program has 17,000 practitioners around the world and growing.

If you want to learn more about Shogun Method, you can click here to check it out. Alternatively, check out this comprehensive Shogun Method review and see if it’s for you.

So, here’s the deal…

If you’re either:

  • A single man who keeps getting friend-zoned, or
  • A man who’s about to lose his girlfriend or wife…

…then diving straight into Shogun Method might be too much too soon.

It would be like trying to drink from a fire hose on full blast. Derek understood this limitation.

That’s’ why he came up with the next-best thing: A way for men like you to start with the basics of Shogun Method.

Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass On Mind Control

How To Seduce Women Through Hypnosis

Derek Rake has an Online Masterclass on Mind Control that interested men can join.

In it, Derek teaches the basics of Mind Control, including techniques like Fractionation. You’ll learn all about Mind Control and why it works, how to do it yourself, and real-world examples of it in action.

Just a fair warning: The Online Masterclass on Mind Control is NOT for everyone.

It’s NOT for you if:

  1. You’re more concerned about your reputation than you are about your results
  2. You’re NOT planning to Enslave a woman to be your lifelong partner
  3. You have plans of harming women or taking advantage of them

If any of that sounds like you… then better forget it. Mind Control is NOT for you, and it’s best for yourself and for the women you meet if you DIDN’T use it on them.

But on the other hand:

  1. If you care more about your results in life than your reputation;
  2. If you want to build a strong, happy, lifelong relationship with the woman of your dreams;
  3. And if you’re willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that…

…then this may be the single most important thing that you will ever do for yourself in your life. Believe me because this is true.

Here’s the link to Masterclass:

(NOTE: Use your best e-mail address when signing up. It’s where Derek will send your Invite Ticket as soon as you qualify for the Masterclass.)

Now go ahead – master Fractionation, master your love life.

  1. Derek Rake, “Fractionation, Seduction & Hypnosis“[↩]
  2. Mendlovic, S. and Doron, A., 2001. The ‘story‐in‐a‐story’ technique. Contemporary Hypnosis, 18(2), pp.57-60.[↩]
  3. Gelfand, T., 2015. Sites of the Unconscious: Hypnosis and the Emergence of the Psychoanalytic Setting by Andreas Mayer. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 89(1), pp.142-143.[↩]
Blood components after centrifugation.
Blood after centrifuging in an SST tube.

Blood fractionation is the process of fractionatingwhole blood, or separating it into its component parts. This is typically done by centrifuging the blood.

The resulting components are:

  • a clear solution of blood plasma in the upper phase (which can be separated into its own fractions, see Blood plasma fractionation),
  • the buffy coat, which is a thin layer of leukocytes (white blood cells) mixed with platelets in the middle, and
  • erythrocytes (red blood cells) at the bottom of the centrifuge tube.

Serum separation tubes (SSTs) are tubes used in phlebotomy containing a silicone gel; when centrifuged the silicone gel forms a layer on top of the buffy coat, allowing the blood serum to be removed more effectively for testing and related purposes.

Plasma protein fractionation[edit]

Fractionation Definition

Plasma proteins are separated by using the inherent differences of each protein. Fractionation involves changing the conditions of the pooled plasma (e.g., the temperature or the acidity) so that proteins that are normally dissolved in the plasma fluid become insoluble, forming large clumps, called precipitate. The insoluble protein can be collected by centrifugation. One of the very effective ways for carrying out this process is the addition of alcohol to the plasma membrane pool while simultaneously cooling the pool. This process is sometimes called cold alcohol fractionation or ethanol fractionation. It was described by and bears the eponym of Dr Edwin J. Cohn. This procedure is carried out in a series of steps so that a single pool of plasma yields several different protein products, such as albumin and immune globulin.[1][2] Human serum albumin prepared by this process is used in some vaccines, for treating burn victims, and other medical applications.

See also[edit]


Fractionation Formula

  1. ^Blood Plasma Pooling (from the website)
  2. ^Statement by Dr. Kathryn Zoon, Food and Drug Administration (before the U.S. Congress, July 31, 1997) (via
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