Distance calculator finds the distance between cities or places and shows the distance in miles and kilometers. Air distance (also called great circle or orthodrome) is also drawn on the distance map below.
Distance how far is it This service uses data from the US Census and a supplementary list of cities around the world to find the latitude and longitude of two places, and then calculates the distance between them (as the crow flies). To find the shortest road distance between the two places, please enter the source and destination and then select the driving mode. You can get the driving distance in miles or kilometers or as per the location’s road distance measurement standard. Distance definition is - the quality or state of being distant: such as. How to use distance in a sentence.
Type the city name, location name or the location coordinates in lat long format (lat,long) and hit measure button to calculate the distance between cities or two places.Find the distance from cities in miles and kilometers for flying air distance.
Please add the country code or name. Example: Richmond, VA, US
— The red line on the map indicates the Great Circle Distance.
— The black line is the Rhumb line between the two points.
We Wish You a Merry Christmas with Lyrics is a popular Christmas Song sung by our choir. This Christmas song is great for Xmas concerts, performances, choirs. Christmas is the time for connecting with family near and far, and these Merry Christmas wishes will help you spread the Christmas cheer this holiday season. May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in 2021. Jan 03, 2021 Have a merry Christmas, Jack. / Merry Christmas to you and your family. 1722, The Hiſtorical Regiſter, volume VII, № XXVIII, “An Anſwer from the Marqueſs of ———— to the Letter of a Prelate, concerning Cardinal Alberoni ”, pages 291–292. Popular Christmas carol We Wish You a Merry Christmas beautifully sung by top talented choir - great for Christmas concerts, performances, choirs and church. Merry christmas in german.
Distance calculator helps you to find how many miles from a city to an another city on map.
Hobo heavenwatermelon gaming chairs. Distance between cities or 2 locations are measured in both kilometers, miles and nautical miles at the same time.
Air distance is the bird fly distance between two locations which is calculated with the great circle formula. Big games simulator.
nmi: is the symbol of nautical miles in distance calculation.
Distance Calculator Updates
- We just fixed the distance calculation between two points in lat long format (lat,long). Now you can enter the lat long coordinates of places to calculate distance from to.12 February 2019
- We've updated our maps to openstreetmap on our home page of distance calculator.30 January 2019
- We just moved to https protocol. You can now calculate distance between cities and places with secure communication.14 October 2017
- Now we are using Vincenty's formula for more accurate results in our distance between cities pages.22 April 2016
- Distance from to is now more mobile friendly with the new design.20 April 2016
- We launched our distance from to @DistanceFromTo page, please follow us for news and updates. 01 February 2016
- We've updated the cities of country pages, distance between major cities are now listed. And the list of cities of a country are updated.Distance Between Cities by Country04 February 2016
- Error while calculating driving distance is fixed.
Thanks to John M., Christian B., Renée H., Paul S. for feedback.22 July 2015 - Target and destination city and place name inputs are now empty.
Thanks to Mark S. for feedback.04 July 2015 - The black line information updated,
thanks to Norman G. for feedback.06 February 2015 - You can now calculate distance between two coordinates (two Latitude Longitude values).Example: In the 'From' value write '51.393368,1.439896' and in the 'To' value write the target location coordinates like: '21.4512,14.123' .8 January 2015
- I've updated our website interface with a modern look and more compatible with mobile devices,I hope you like the new design, please contact me for your thoughts and ideas.7 January 2015
- Meaning of color of lines added as legend info,
thanks to Jim M. and Andy F. for feedback.21 April 2014 - Scale control added to distance map,
thanks to Tim D. for feedback.10 April 2014 - Now we calculate nautical miles for distance between,
thanks to Travis S. for feedback.5 September 2013 - Interface updated, website font and background color changed for better reading.22 August 2013
- Driving distance calculation error fixed. Thanks to John C. for feedback.2 August 2013
- Driving distance calculation added, with bird fly air distance option.4 July 2013
- Improved page speed for faster calculation of distance. Images and content optimized.27 March 2013
- Here we have brand new design, which is responsive that means, you can browse distancefromto.net with your any mobiledevice, and distancefromto will auto resize it self, hope you enjoy new features.01 November 2012
- Distance between cities are now listed in Distance Between Cities by Country. Select cities and measure distance.01 January 2012
- I've changed maps version to 3 and distance calculation methods, distance between cities and places are faster and more reliable now. If you get 0 km distance measure please hit the button again.08 June 2011
Thank you for visiting geodistance.com.
The main motivation for developing this web site is to create a resource for runners, joggers, walkers, hikers, bicyclist, or anyone that is interested in finding out the distance of a route, trail, or other place.
Distance Formula
Please let me know if there are any ways that I can improve this web site by sending feedback.Distance Formula
Currently the distance tracker supports the following functionality:Distance To Toronto
- Jump directly to a location via the address search
- Create dynamic routes by clicking on the map
- View route distances in Miles, Yards, Feet, Kilometers, or Meters
- Undo multiple route legs
- Save created routes (Coming back soon!)
- Email or bookmark saved routes (Coming back soon!)
- Find and lookup saved routes through the Find Routes function (Coming back soon!)
- Sort find results by route name, city, state, postal code, or distance (Coming back soon!)
- Enable or disable automatic centering of the map on each mouse click
- View latitude and longitude of points clicked on the earth
- Export routes to a Google Earth KML file (Coming back soon!)
- Upcoming features:
- Training log to track personal progress and goals
- Upload GPS data to create routes
- Add notes to the route on the map